General Lean Questions
Are you offering physical in-class training at this time?
Dues to the COVID pandemic situation, we are currently offering Leanbelt training in an online virtual format. Please contact our office for information or visit the calendar page on the website. We will continue to monitor the pandemic situation and when it is safe for our staff and clients, we will again offer in-class physical training at our Vancouver office.
How does Lean differ to Six Sigma?
Lean Six Sigma is a specialized subset of Lean training and does not cover all aspects of Lean. Even if you have completed training in Lean Six Sigma, we recommend you complete at least one module of our Greenbelt training. Please contact us to discuss your options.
How do I get started? What can I do to prepare my company for Lean training?
We advise contacting us to book a consultation with one of our coaches. In the initial meetings, we’d like to learn about your organization. When we learn more about your business needs we can support your leaders and organization and collaboratively create a six to twelve month lean roadmap for your Lean journey. Request program information by emailing us at client@leansensei.com
What are the benefits of Lean from an employee engagement and employee training perspective?
Benefits include:
Organizational lean knowledge development engages staff in continuous improvement
Improvements in the morale and Lean capability of your workforce
Cost savings from Kaizen activities
Establishment of clear standards for processes across departments and within departments (yokoten)
Practical training to integrate lean methodology and kaizen activities
Motivation within the organization for an improved future state
An enhanced ability to develop your own in-house lean training
Lean Sensei International assurance of quality which hundreds of organization have grown to trust
Training and Program Questions
Do you offer customized training for Lean Greenbelt and Lean Blackbelt?
Yes, we can customize training for your organization’s unique needs. However, customized programs are generally more expensive than our public and public online virtual training programs. Please contact us at for further information.
How much does Lean Training cost?
The prices vary depending on the type of training. Prices start at $99. The true measure of value is not the actual cost of the program, but rather the ROI (Return on Investment) to the customer. Our Lean Greenbelt and Blackbelt programs have a return on investment that is typically four to ten times the cost of the program based upon the kaizen results. Program participants must produce measurable results before they can graduate from the programs. The average cost savings achieved through our Blackbelt program over the past decade has been $10 million in savings per class.
What is the length of the Lean Training program?
Our online and physical programs are typically one week long and are conducted approximately over two and half months. The program is a combination of classroom training and practical kaizen at a manufacturing facility, or client site to practice the tools taught, and to give participants an opportunity to practice problem-solving skills.
I’ve completed my Greenbelt, how long should I wait before I start Blackbelt training?
We recommend waiting at least six months before commencing your Blackbelt training. This gives you adequate time to practice the new skills you’ve learnt in your own work environment.
Whitebelt Training
I’m interested in Whitebelt training. When and where is this offered?,
Lean Whitebelt training offers a basic introduction to Lean. It is usually two to three days in length and is developed for people at all levels of an organization. Lean White Belt training can be conducted either virtually at your company, or at our Vancouver office. The other option is for a company’s own Greenbelt graduates to facilitate this program with support from our coaches who can assist with content and materials. Please contact us for further details.
I’m attending Greenbelt /Blackbelt in Vancouver. Do you have corporate hotel rates?
Yes, we do. Please contact us for the most up-to-date information.
When does the next Greenbelt / Blackbelt program start?
Please visit or event calendar page for dates.
Lean Sensei Competitive Advantage
How does your program differ from other Lean programs?
Capability and Experience:
Collectively, our coaches have had over 100 years of industry experience, across a variety of manufacturing and service industries, including consumer goods, technology, industrial goods, transportation, health care, tele-communication, finance and government services.
In addition, Lean Sensei coaches have lean experience from some world-renown including Toyota, Suzuki, Singapore Airlines, Deutsche Bank and Ernst & Young. Contact us to speak with our coaches and see how we can take your organization to the next level.
Level of Instructors/ Coaches Support:
Consider the level of instructor support for the course – what form does this support take? Can you contact the instructor after the course for ongoing support? Our instructors are available to help participants throughout the course and are also available after graduation. Customized courses to specifically meet your organization’s needs are also available.
Industry Recognized Training Program:
Is the training you’re considering recognized within and across the industry? What other companies have engaged their services? Does their certification adhere to the highest standards in the field? Our programs are recognized by more than 800 organizations and industry bodies such as Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters (CME) and the Association for Manufacturing Excellence (AME) and by leading industry experts such as Dr. Jeffrey Liker, Mike Hoseus and David Meier (authors of the Toyota Way books).
A Balanced Combination of Theory and Real World Experience:
Many providers offer mostly theoretical training, either through a classroom-style lecture or an online course. We believe that it’s impossible for lean leaders to become true practitioners without hands-on experience and solving problems by applying the lessons learned. Our programs are typically 80% hands-on Kaizen project time and 20% classroom-style training. This ratio provides an optimum level of theory-application mix and ensures that participants learn from real world experience. We believe that there is no substitute for gemba (on-site) project experience.
Japan Lean Benchmarking Tour
I am interested in attending your Japan trip, but am not enrolled in any of your courses. Can I still attend?
Yes, we welcome people to attend the Japan Lean Tour Benchmarking trip. However enrollment is subject to availability. The program fills up fast. We recommend booking six to twelve months in advance. Please contact us for further details.
I am interested in attending the Japan Lean Tour. When are you offering the next one?
Due to the pandemic situation, we are not able to offer our usual spring and fall tours to Japan. However, we will offer a virtual Japan Tour. Please visit our Benchmark Tours page or call us for additional information. We are closely monitoring the pandemic situation. When it is safe for our staff and clients to travel to Japan we will offer a physical Japan Lean Tour again.
On the Japan Lean Tour, could I extend the trip by arriving earlier or staying later?
Yes, participants may arrive earlier or stay later, since you are responsible for booking and managing your flights.
Does the Japan trip include accommodation?
Yes, accommodation is included for the duration of the tour. You are responsible for making your own arrangements if you choose to arrive earlier than the start of the tour, or stay longer once the tour is completed.
Does the Japan trip include transport?
Transportation is covered for the tour activities and to and from all activities. You are responsible for
arranging your own transportation prior to the start of the tour, and after the completion of the tour (including flights).
Does the Japan trip include my flights?
No, you are responsible for booking your own flights to and from Japan. Feel free to call our client care team to discuss any questions or concerns you may have.
I sent in my registration form for the Japan Lean Tour. Should I start making my travel arrangements?
We advise that you hold off making any travel arrangements until you have received course confirmation from us. Lean Sensei cannot be held responsible for any charges incurred for attendees who need to cancel travel reservations if a course is cancelled.
Do I require a travel visa for going to Japan?
Canadian citizens do not need a visa. For the latest information on visa requirements, please visit the Canadian website of the Embassy of Japan at http://www.ca.emb-japan.go.jp/index.html or contact your local Japanese Embassy.
What vaccinations will I need to go to Japan?
Please check with your health care provider. In general, no special immunizations are necessary.
I don’t care for Japanese food. What food is provided on the Japan Lean Tour?
Japan offers a wide range of foods and specialties. If you are not a fan of Japanese food, you can easily find a variety of other cuisines.